
  • Rodzina

    Today's word is "rodzina" (roh-jee-nah) which means "family". Family has special meaning all over the world, but is an especially sacred concept in Polish society. Familial bonds tend to keep children close to home, and many towns and villages house multiple generations of families together.

    In Poland, every third child grows up in a family with 3 or more children. Families traditionally assemble over meals and feasts, especially during the holidays, strengthening the link between food, culture, tradition, and family.

    The nuclear family consists of "matka" (mat-kah) mother, "ojciec" (oy-chets) father, "syn" (sin) son, and "córka" (tsoor-kah) daughter. The extended family adds "babcia" (bob-cha) grandmother, "dziadek" (jah-dek) grandfather, "ciocia" (cho-cha) aunt, and "wujek" (voo-yek) uncle.

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  • Post

    Today's word is "post" (pohst) which means "Lent" and also "fasting." Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, marking the start of 40 days of penance before Easter ("wielkanoc"). At services on Ash Wednesday ("środa popielcowa"), ashes are placed on the foreheads of the faithful in the sign of the cross. In Poland, ashes ("popiół") are also sprinkled on the head. Many choose to abstain from eating meat as well as curbing their meals to one filling and two modest. Lent is a time to set aside life's luxuries and to focus on reflection.

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