
In Polish, "Andrzejki" (an-DZAY-kee) means St. Andrew's Day — an annual event that occurs on the last day of November ("listopad"), right before the start of Advent.

For hundreds of years, Andrzejki has been about fortunetelling and seeing into the future. According to tradition ("tradycja"), the night before Andrzejki is a magical moment when young women could draw cards, read candle wax, and interpret other signs to uncover clues about the man whom they might marry.

These days, the arrival of Andrzejki is a celebration of young adulthood that involves lots of friends, going out on the town, and having fun with old superstitions. It's all about good company, being imaginative and having a laugh!

Here at Piast, we are busy taking catering orders to help our customers plan a perfect Andrzejki party this weekend! Click here to see our full catering menu, and as always call us at (888) PIAST-US with any questions or to place an order.

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